What is the difference between the industrial and digital business model, and can they be complementary?
Usually the industrial business model is defined as the pipeline business model. As if you’re traveling through a pipe, all operations go one after another. Therefore, if we agree today to make a new product, we have to think it up, create a design, then plan the production, build a factory, or find someone to manufacture it for us, and when the factory is built we have to plan production, and all this time you are investing money. When the product is made, we let it down the distribution channel. So, we have a supply chain – we give it to distributers, who give it to the dealers, who give it to the stores, which sell the goods to the final user, and only then, at the very end, we achieve value and return some of the investment. The capital, financial means, and human resource investment is enormous. This is the industrial model that we know. Chinese factories manufacture much faster, so the transport is cheaper, they send shoes, phones, TVs etc. all over the world. This is the way it works.
Which other models are there?
There are three more models on the global level. One is the service model, when you sell a service, like banks and insurance companies. They have a manual approach in the industrial model, and they are trying to create an automatic, digital approach in the digital model, to automatize their services. The bank can approve your credit in two seconds online, all you have to do is apply for it, and you get an affirmative or negative answer. Telekom lets you automatically switch to a different payment method, or service plan, etc. This is a switch in the service sector from industrial to digital. Then you have the instance of intellectual property sales, you buy movies from Netflix, or if you have a magazine subscription – everything is done digitally, online. This is the part that enables the sales of intellectual property. And the final, highest form of the digital model is the platform model, which separates property from the service you can give with it. If you own a car, this is your investment in Uber, which only sells the service of you taking the client from point A to point B at a specific price. Uber only makes the platform that connects you to the buyer and optimizes the process. Therefore, the property is separated from the service, same as with Airbnb. These models yield the most value and there are more and more of them, the platform is being used everywhere. Banks already use platforms for some of their functions and principles.
What is the difference between the industrial and digital business models?
Industrial business models have basic means, or capital, which is very expensive, the investments are huge, and they use many people. Digital business models are based on three things. One is data collection and its transformation into information, which is very valuable. The more the information is worth to you, the more the value of the business model is. What does Uber in fact do – it takes your geolocation from your phone, and shows you on a map which driver is the closest to you, and which route he will take to your destination. It actually sells you this information, which is very valuable to you because you need a ride. But if I give you your geolocation at a time when you don’t need it, it’s of no worth to you.
How much does the introduction of digital technologies into small and medium businesses contribute to the development of the economic system of a country in transition?
There are two things to consider here. Firstly, the new digital companies, which are fully digital already. New digital technologies are the basis for their creation. Nordeus has created software which is being sold globally, which tremendously increases the value of the company. In case the small and medium businesses already exist and use the industrial model, the question is how can digital technology help. If they use digital technology only, usually one part will be optimized. The most often used channel is a website used for sales, which is the optimization of one business process or activity. In this case, sales. Maybe also marketing. To really create value, they have to analyze their entire business model and create a digital strategy. They can work step by step, optimize one business activity at a time, and use digital technologies to do it, but they have to look at the entire business model. This is a fundamental difference between digital technology application, which brings a small-scale optimization, and digital strategy and transformation, when the company’s business model is changed. Great possibilities are definitely being created. Companies don’t need to be large. WhatsApp had 30 engineers and 20 administration officers, and these 50 people sold the company for 22 billion dollars. All these big companies founded and operating on digital principles have a small number of employees, many automatized processes, they use digital technologies to cut costs, increasing the value for the users. Based on this, small and medium companies can help the development of economy in all countries.